Cookie Policy
The following types of cookies can be found on a website:
Technical or functional cookies:
These cookies, required by a website to function correctly, allow the website owner to know whether or not a visitor is connected to their customer area, and to manage the visitor’s selection of products or services, etc.
From a technical point of view, these cookies can also allow a website owner to detect and correct any bugs on the site, and to make a suitable offer.
Audience measurement or statistics cookies:
On some websites, certain applications allow visitors to publicize or share the contents of the website with other people, especially on social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Even if a visitor has not used the share button or the applications, social media networks may track the visitor’s activities if their account or session is activated/open on their computer at the time of browsing (see the social media networks’ data protection methods and policies).
Cookies from advertising partners:
These cookies are placed by third-party companies and not by the owner of the visited website: most often commercial partners or advertising service providers of the visited site. These cookies are managed by other companies and not by the website owner, and only the issuer of these cookies can read or modify the information about the cookies. Therefore, the website on which these cookies are placed can send information to the partners/service providers concerned: information, for instance, about purchases made and products viewed.
Optional cookies:
These cookies are not necessarily required to browse the website; they are meant to improve a user’s experience and to facilitate the user’s searches by offering products and services related to the user’s areas of interest. Example: Information about the last product viewed, messages such as “you will also like...”.
The following cookies have been installed on this website (this list is regularly updated):
Technical or functional cookies:
Audience measurement or statistics cookies:
Cookies from third-party sites or applications: