Granola and goat fromage frais with strawberries
Bagel with goat cheese

Bagel with goat cheese

  • Ripened goat logs
Tiramisu with fresh goat cheese
Serves 4 servings
Preparation 10 minutes
Cooking 25 minutes
  1. Peel and slice the onions.

  2. Place them in a saucepan with the honey and a bit of fat.

  3. Cook for 20 minutes over medium heat. Pour a little bit of water about halfway through the cook time. The onions should be caramelized. Let cool.

  4. Slice the bagels in half and toast them.

  5. Top with lettuce.

  6. Add the ham and then divide up the honeyed onions and pine nuts among the bagels.

  7. Finish them off by adding 4 slices of the Soignon organic goat cheese log and close.

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